New Work From Home Policy Under Micro PPKM Extension
With the surge of Covid-19 cases after the Idul Fitri Holiday in Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan decided to mandate a 75% Work From Home (“WFH”) order for both private and government offices located in in the red zones and 50% WFH order for the same offices in the yellow and orange zones. This order is a part of the policies enacted through the 10th iteration of the Entry into Force of Micro-Scale Public Activity Restriction (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat Berbasis Mikro or the “Micro PPKM”), which is enforced through Governor of DKI Jakarta Decree No. 759 of 2021 on the Extension of Micro PPKM dated June 14, 2021 (“Decree 759/2021”). The duration for the current iteration of the Micro PPKM will be from June 15 until June 28, 2021.
The only change to Micro PPKM policies in Decree 759/2021, other than the WFH order, is the suspension of offline learning trial programs. Under the Governor’s Decree No. 671 of 2021 on the Extension of Micro PPKM dated May 31, 2021 (the “Previous Decree”), educational institutions may conduct their activities either online or offline, with the offline activities being limited to those part of the offline learning trial program. Currently, these trial programs are suspended and educational institutions in red, orange and yellow zones are to conduct their learning activities online. However, educational institutions in orange and yellow zones may conduct offline learning based on the technical instructions from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
Not only in Jakarta, the Micro PPKM is applicable for the entire country Minister of Home Affairs (the “Minister”) Instruction No. 13 of 2021 dated June 14, 2021 on the Extension of the Entry into Force of the Micro PPKM and Establishment of Posts for Covid-19 Management in Villages and Urban Villages to Manage the Spread of Covid-19. While Governors across Indonesia are allowed to regulate the details of the Micro PPKM extension in each of their respective regions, the Minister’s Instruction does set limitations to certain activities and sectors (i.e., offices, schools, essential sectors, recreational activities, construction and religion activities) that must be followed.
June 22, 2021
Please contact Johanes C. Sahetapy-Engel ( or Caleb K. N. Sitorus ( for further information.
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